In my last post I outlined the results of a straightforward strategy of buying any stock that was at a 52 week high and selling after a certain amount of time (no fancy stop losses or sell rules). This time I'll examine the more classic strategy of buying a 52 week low to be exact. Here we'll see if buying any stock, when its at its yearly worst, can be profitable
One of my readers pointed out to me that I may have had a survivorship bias in my last analysis. This was an excellent point and to help account for that, this time, I give you the ten year performance of every stock, still listed, on the major exchanges.
NYSE - +11%
Nasdaq - + 2%
Amex - + 14%
(thanks for the input Gary, but the 'buy high' strategy still works!)
So here you go... the performance of the 'buy low' strategy for different holding periods.
1 Month Hold
10 Year performance Avg. Return
NYSE -79% -1.3%
Nasdaq -70% -0.9%
Amex -62% -0.8%
3 Month Hold
10 Year performance Avg. Return
NYSE -39% -1.2%
Nasdaq -62% -2.4%
Amex -75% -3.4%
6 Month Hold
10 Year performance Avg. Return
NYSE -64% -4.9%
Nasdaq -64% -4.9%
Amex -67% -5.4%
12 Month Hold
10 Year performance Avg. Return
NYSE +30% 2.7%
Nasdaq -37% -4.6%
Amex -23% -2.6%
As you can see, buying any stock just because it's cheap seems to be a terrible idea (with the exception of a one year NYSE hold). On the other hand, SHORTING any stock or buying a nice put option may work out very well.
The lesson to be learned from this, and my last post, is that the common strategy of 'buy low and sell ***' should be taken with a large grain of salt. I encourage everybody to investigate what I've presented here and develop their own strategies. Money can be made...if you carefully consider what you are doing and don't just follow everybody else.
you can improve the buy a 52 week low by simply adding a few fractals to the strategy, fractals can mark the swing high and lows after a certain period has passed and if the next fractals high>high.1 and low>low.1 buy the stock.